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標題: [其他] 《中英對照讀新聞》Spouse Most Likely Source of Elder Abuse [打印本頁]

作者: tarbo888    時間: 2008-9-25 19:56     標題: 《中英對照讀新聞》Spouse Most Likely Source of Elder Abuse

中英對照讀新聞》Spouse Most Likely Source of Elder Abuse 配偶為老人受虐最可能的施暴者

Elderly people may be at increased risk of abuse if they're cared for by a spouse, especially if the spouse is coping with his or her own physical or mental health problems, according to a new study.


"Caregiving is stressful, and it breaks down the people that are providing the care -- they wear down," Scott Beach, the study lead author and director of research at University of Pittsburgh's Center for Social and Urban Research, said in a prepared statement.

「看護工作充滿壓力,讓負責照顧的人情緒失控 - 他們心力耗盡。」史考特.畢區,這份研究的主要作者兼匹茲堡大學社會暨都市研究中心研究主任,在預先準備的聲明中表示。

Elderly people being looked after by a spouse were more likely to report that their caregivers screamed or yelled at them, insulted them, used a harsh tone of voice, swore at them, or called them names. Some cases of harsh spousal treatment may be a continuation of previous ongoing marital conflict, Beach noted.



at risk:有…的危險。例句:The disease is spreading , and all young children are at risk. (這種疾病正在蔓延,所有幼齡兒童都瀕臨感染危險。)

cope with:應付、對付。例句:The factory coped very well with the sudden increase in demand. (這家工廠對突如其來的需求增加處理得非常好。)

break down:情感失控。例句:He broke down and wept when his mother died. (母親去世時,他崩潰痛哭。)

wear down:磨耗、削弱。例句:Months of illness wore her down. (病了幾個月,削弱了她的體力。)

swear at:用粗話咒罵。例句:He swore at the dog when he tripped over it. (他被狗絆了一跤,就用粗話罵狗。)

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