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標題: [其他] 《中英對照讀新聞》毛利族治療師出庭面對馬鈴薯性侵指控 [打印本頁]

作者: tarbo888    時間: 2008-9-25 20:14     標題: 《中英對照讀新聞》毛利族治療師出庭面對馬鈴薯性侵指控

《中英對照讀新聞》Maori healer in court on potato sex charge 毛利族治療師出庭面對馬鈴薯性侵指控

A woman has told a New Zealand court that a Maori tohunga (healer), who uses traditional indigenous practices to treat patients, sexually violated her with a potato.The 38-year-old widow said Christopher Tuaupiki told her to lie on a bed naked and rubbed a raw potato “in circular motions everywhere”.


She told the court she thought the treatment was normal because she was not familiar with Maori healing practices. She also told the court that Tuaupiki said the treatment was necessary to remove a curse on her which was responsible for her son claiming to see apparitions of his father, who killed himself, and his dead grandparents.



traditional indigenous practice:傳統民俗療法

indigenous是土生土長的(並非外來的)、在地的,如 This plant is indigenous to Taiwan(這種植物是台灣土生土長的)。


heal是癒合、彌合、治癒,如to heal the wounds from the past(癒合過去造成的傷痕),或 Time heals all sorrow(時間可以治好一切傷痛)。healer通常指使用信仰療法為人治病的人。

curse:詛咒有名詞和動詞兩種用法,當名詞時,常見的用法有put/lay a curse on某人(對某人下詛咒)。當動詞時,是詛咒、咒罵,如I curse you(我詛咒你),The thief cursed the barking dog(小偷咒罵那隻吠叫的狗)。

apparition:幽靈 apparition 通常指靈異現象,但也可指幽靈或鬼影。

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