
[新聞論點] 鄭浩南先生!我们請你回去你的地方!!

err.. depends, how you take it, can take it as degrading comment or take it as a criticism on malaysian eating culture, especially city, where people eat just to get stuffed, i've been to many steam boat restaurant which includes, taiwan (taipei and tainan), mainland china (too many province and city to cover including of course HK), of course malaysia, thailand(bangkok), indonesia(surabaya and jakarta), ozy (sydney and melbourne only) and singapore due to business trips and unfortunately malaysia rank the second maybe third last, only better than singapore, we are not talking about high dining, just your normal steam boat restaurant that public goes... interms of variety we are no where near china and taiwan, we also loose out interms of flavour (too bland and sea food base condiments are frozen), presentation not as good as tiawan from their japanese influance, suprise to find places like bangkok and surabaya serves better chinese steam boats than malaysia!!! china's problem is their liberal use of MSG and we are not talking about ajinomoto, we are talking chemical based MSG that are sprinkle on dishes in abundance and presented on the dish prominently!!! but we always have singapore to cushion us!!!
just look at kimgery and mong kok- the food is hardly edible and worse than anything that i've tasted in hk, even the really dingy cafe in kowloon fares much better than them..... and its always packed!!!!!

[ 本帖最後由 seinyat 於 2007-6-11 20:07 編輯 ]

