
[大馬疑問] 问路跟租房, Subang的朋友帮帮忙~!

if u have house at subang..then better u try to request a car from ur parent....
room rate at subang quite high i guess......and the houses not so clean. can u clean up urself and maintain?

Subang have all sort of stuff
but then for 剑道 i not sure got anot
i also wanna learn but i can't find any in subang.
跆拳道 in subang le....i suggest u look for ITF..dun go for WTF...WTF kinda useless..ITF much more serious in training....
i think colleges can provide u these info

Subang is an expensive place
everything is expensive...food.....esp
and the most interesting part of subang is not all those u mention
it's cyber cafe ^^

and last but not least....Asia Cafe
i am empty+ lonely..someone help me...

