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標題: 生活美語《He proposed》 [打印本頁]

作者: cody-tty    時間: 2008-1-22 02:16     標題: 生活美語《He proposed》

He proposed

Arlene:You'll never guess what happened yesterday evening.
Pearl:Well, let me see. You went to bed early?
Arlene:Oh, stop making fun. It's important. It's about Angus and me.
Pearl:Well, you've been going out together for long enough. I can't think. Go on, surprise me.
Arlene:He proposed! He proposed! I knew something special was going to happen because he was so nervous.
Pearl:Oh my god! And don't tell me, he went down on one knee.
Arlene:Well as a matter of fact he did. He's such a romantic.
Pearl:He's just so old-fashioned. And did you accept?
Arlene:Well of course I did. We're getting married in the spring.

多學一點點 跪下求婚
琳說男朋友向她求婚:He proposed。Propose 一般解作「提議」;求婚當然是提議的一種,所以也叫propose或propose marriage,名詞是proposal或marriage proposal / proposal of marriage,例如:(1) Angus finally screwed up enough courage to propose(marriage) to Arlene(安格斯終於鼓足勇氣,向阿琳求婚)。(2) She declined her boss's marriage proposal resolutely but politely(她有禮而堅決的拒絕了老闆求婚)。Screw作動詞指「扭螺旋」,screw up one's courage 即「鼓起勇氣」。
珀爾對阿琳說:Don't tell me, he went down on one knee。Don't tell me直譯是「別告訴我」,帶「你不要說,我猜得到」含義,表示某人、某事物一般都會這樣,例如老師跟懶惰的學生說:Why haven't you done your homework? Don't tell me you were sick over the weekend(你為什麼沒有做家庭作業?別告訴我你周末病了)。
To go down on / drop on / fall on one's knees即「跪下」,on one knee或on one's knees則是單膝或雙膝跪地,例如:(1) He dropped on one knee to tie his shoelace(他單膝跪下來,把鞋帶縛好)。(2) He is on his knees praying(他跪著祈禱)。
阿琳說男友很浪漫:He's such a romantic。Romantic(浪漫的、浪漫主義者)出自romance一字,而romance則出自拉丁文Romanus(羅馬的)。古羅馬(Rome)用拉丁文(Latin),義大利文、法文、西班牙文等都出自拉丁文,統稱為Romance languages(羅曼斯語)。中世紀歐洲不少英雄美女故事,都是用羅曼斯語寫成,故romance可解作「浪漫」。
作者: nicole003518    時間: 2008-1-24 15:40

Thank you for your sharing. I like it so much.
作者: levis0603    時間: 2015-3-28 11:59     標題: 回復 1# cody-tty 的帖子

作者: levis0603    時間: 2015-3-28 12:00     標題: 回復 1# cody-tty 的帖子


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