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標題: 生活美語《That's one of the loveliest engagement rings I've ever seen》 [打印本頁]

作者: cody-tty    時間: 2008-1-25 21:47     標題: 生活美語《That's one of the loveliest engagement rings I've ever seen》

That's one of the loveliest engagement rings I've ever seen

Mom:Hello, who's there? Is that you Jeannie. Hi! Welcome home!
Jeannie:Hi Mom, you're looking great. How's Pop?
Mom:He's in the yard fixing the fence. You look as if you've got something to tell me.
Jeannie:Mom, I have and to show you too. Look!
Mom:Oh! What a beautiful diamond! That's one of the loveliest engagement rings I've ever seen. When did you get it?
Jeannie:I got it on the weekend. Greg took me to Zemmany's and just asked me to choose exactly the ring I wanted. And this is the one.
Pop:Well he sure must think a lot of you to buy you such a beautiful ring.

多學一點點 「似乎」和訂婚戒指
珍妮的母親對女兒說:You look as if you've got something to tell me。讀者可以用另一些字取代as if嗎?
你可以用as though,隨便一點還可用like。As if或as though都是「似乎」的意思,用法沒有分別。說「似乎如此,事實也可能如此」,as if子句(clause)動詞的時式,和一般句子沒有分別,隨事情發生的時間而異;說「似乎如此,事實並非如此」,則as if子句的動詞一律用過去式說現在或過去的事,例如:(1) He speaks as he is an expert / He spoke as if he was an expert(他說話的語氣像個專家)。(2) He speaks as if he were(或was)an expert, though in fact he isn't / He spoke as if he were(或was)an expert, though in fact he wasn't(他說話的語氣像個專家,其實他卻不是專家)。例句二he之後用were,是假設語氣;用was則是隨便的說法,可能被視為錯誤。
至於You look like you've got something to tell me、He spoke like he was an expert等說法,嚴格而言並不正確,因為解作「好像」、「似乎」的like是介系詞(preposition),其後須用名詞。不過,美式英語口頭上常把like當作連接詞(conjunction),其後用子句(clause),謹再舉一例:You must do it like you have been told(你必須依照吩咐去做)。書面上,這個like宜改為as。
珍妮的母親見到女兒的戒指,說That's one of the loveliest engagement rings I've ever seen。「訂婚戒指」還可叫betrothal ring,例如:The betrothal ring is worn on the third finger of the left hand since that finger was thought to be connected to the heart, the seat of love(訂婚戒指穿在左手無名指上,因為古人相信無名指和心相連,而心是愛情所在)。
作者: levis0603    時間: 2015-3-28 12:00     標題: 回復 1# cody-tty 的帖子


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