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標題: 生活美語《 Who caught the wedding bouquet?》 [打印本頁]

作者: cody-tty    時間: 2008-1-25 21:48     標題: 生活美語《 Who caught the wedding bouquet?》

Who caught the wedding bouquet?

Betty: Where were you over the weekend? We missed you.
Gwyneth: Oh, I was at my cousin's wedding out at Lake Purity. I was one of the bridesmaids.
Betty: You must show me the photos. How did it go?
Gwyneth: It was fantastic. Both sides of the family were all there and lots of friends and the weather was glorious.
Betty: Who caught the wedding bouquet?
Gwyneth: Ha, ha. You'll never guess. It was me!
Betty: So when will you be sending out the invitations to your wedding?
Gwyneth: Oh, not for a while. I still haven't found the right man.
Betty: Maybe you should have dropped it.

多學一點點 新娘拋花
格溫內思說周末去了做出閣表姊的伴娘:I was one of the bridesmaids。「伴娘」英文叫bridesmaid。從前的人迷信,擔心魔鬼破壞新婚男女幸福,於是請親友做伴郎、伴娘,衣著和新婚者相似,使魔鬼難以辨認無法作惡。伴娘可以有多名,首要的一個叫maid / matron of honor:未婚的叫maid,已婚的叫matron。
Matron是「已婚婦女」,特別是已到中年略覺肥胖者,例如:(1) As her best friend, I was asked to be Lucy's maid of honor(我是露西最好的朋友,獲邀做她的第一伴娘)。(2) Her matronly looks gave the child a feeling of security(她大嬸般的模樣,給了那孩子一點安全感)。
蓓蒂問格溫內思:Who caught the wedding bouquet? Bouquet是「花束」,例如:The bride carried a bouquet of red roses, and the groom also wore a red rose in his buttonhole(新娘拿著一束紅玫瑰,新郎也有一朵紅玫瑰插在鈕扣孔裡)。中世紀武士身上常配著意中人愛穿的顏色;新郎禮服插朵新娘手持的那種花,可說是中世紀武士示愛遺風。
西方婚禮還有一個傳統,就是結婚酒會之後,新娘離去時,會把手上花束向未婚的女親友拋去。例如:Betty caught the bouquet tossed by the bride into the group of unmarried women, which according to ancient beliefs means that she would be the next to marry(新娘把花束向未婚婦女群中拋去,蓓蒂接著。根據古人信仰,這表示下一個結婚的會是蓓蒂)。從前,新娘會脫下一隻鞋子拋出,後來才改拋花束。
作者: levis0603    時間: 2015-3-28 12:00     標題: 回復 1# cody-tty 的帖子


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