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標題: 生活美語《Gary Damone has been two-timing his girlfriend》 [打印本頁]

作者: cody-tty    時間: 2008-1-28 02:09     標題: 生活美語《Gary Damone has been two-timing his girlfriend》

Gary Damone has been two-timing his girlfriend

Steve:Is that 《Celeb》 you're reading. Ah, yes. You've always got your nose in that magazine. What's so interesting?


Thea:Well it's got all the latest showbiz gossip of course. It's what we girls all talk about around the water-cooler.


Steve:OK, so what's the big story this week?


Thea:Well, the main one is that Gary Damone has been two-timing his girlfriend with a woman he met when he was making his last movie.


Steve:That sort of thing happens all the time. It's boring.


Thea:Not half as boring as that stupid motor-bike mag you're always reading.


Steve:What do you mean boring? It's got news of all the latest machines. It's great!


多學一點點 娛樂界閒話
史蒂夫說西婭很愛讀一本娛樂雜誌:You've always got your nose in that magazine。 To get / have one's nose (stuck) in a book直譯是「鼻子(貼)在書本上」,意思是「埋頭讀書」,例如:He is a typical bookworm. Every time I see him, his nose is in a book / he has his nose stuck in a book(他是個典型書呆子,我每次見到他,他都在埋頭讀書)。

西婭說娛樂雜誌可作話題:It's what we girls all talk about around the water-cooler。

Water-cooler是辦公室等的飲用水冷卻器。辦公室同事喝水時碰頭,往往閒談幾句,所以water cooler有時只是泛指同事閒聊的場合,water-cooler gossip / joke即「辦公室同事說的閒話╱笑話」,例如:(1)Water-cooler gossip has it that she is sleeping her way to the top(根據辦公室的閒話,她出賣肉體往上爬)。(2)That the company will have another major ‘shake-up’ has become a tired water-cooler joke(公司會再次大規模「整頓」,已成為同事間聽膩了的笑話)。

西婭談到一則娛樂界新聞:Gary Damone has been two-timing his girlfriend。英文俚語make time with指「勾搭上(異性)」,例如:He is making time with a beautiful blonde(他勾搭上一個美麗的金髮女郎)。

Two-time也是俚語,指對情人或配偶不忠,也許是取make time with two的意思,名詞是two-timer,例如:(1)He felt deeply humiliated when he found that his wife had been two-timing him(他發覺妻子背著他偷情,深感屈辱)。(2)He is a dirty two-timer / two-timing guy(他是個對伴侶不忠的骯髒傢伙)。
作者: lailck    時間: 2008-3-21 17:14

Thanks a lot !!!!!!!
作者: levis0603    時間: 2015-3-28 12:01     標題: 回復 1# cody-tty 的帖子


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