
[閑聊哈啦] 恭喜!马来西亚有太空人了

Hahahaha..... what a joker...... in fact i always heard lot of malaysian said government poor la, no money la.... even i experience once, my customer received an empty cheque of retire fund from KWSP or wherever........ aiks.... malaysian successfully step into outer space as tourist some more, kanasai spent so much money, still can said that pround la.. malaysia boleh la aall bull pee la......... then come out with stupid law in KWSP fund.......sienzzzzz ....... since our great latest PM took place..... seem so many UFO surrouded in malaysia...... one thing i really dont understand..... is it race different is also different creature in malaysia..????? Mentality sot sot de...... or brainless....... langsung tak faham..... malay got nose, indian and chinese dont have meh? chinese got eyes, malay and indian dont have meh? indian got mouth malay and chinese dont have meh...... siao !!!!   most of the easy money that government can get from nation always filter by those devil who incharge then u know i know la.......... is it rich can bring together into coffin meh.....

