


積少成多  Every little makes a mickle.  
積少成多  Every little helps.  
錢可通神  Money can move even the gods.  
謀事在人成事在天  Man proposes and God disposes.  
學問無捷徑  There is no royal road/shortcut to learning.  
機不可失  Opportunity seldo knocks twice.

優勝劣敗  The weakest goes to the wall.  
聲東擊西  to look one way and row another  
膾炙人口  in everyone's mouth  
螳臂擋車  to kick against the pricks  
鞠躬盡瘁  to give the last measure of devotion  
聰明反被聰明誤  to suffer for one's wisdom  
舊調重談  to harp on the same string  
禮尚往來  Courtesy on one side cannot last long.  
禮多必詐  full of courtesy, full of craft  

覆水難收  What's done cannot be undone.  
轉石不生苔  A rolling stone gathers no moss.  
轉敗為勝  to convert defeat into victory  
鞭長莫及  beyond one's grasp  
關公門前耍大刀  There's no need to teach a fish to swim.  

嚴以責己寬以待人  to be severe with oneself and lenient with others  

鐵石心腸  a heart of steel  

聽天由命  to be guided by destiny

[ 本帖最後由 姿霖 於 2009-11-25 17:05 編輯 ]

