
[閑聊哈啦] tm streamyx 服务差!差!差!

ha, talk about TM, they are really good. you own then few riggit, your phone and mail box will explode, and you blood pressure will rise like rocket. but if their service got problem, ha.. its 'biasa' cant do anything, but dont forget to make payment on time oh. They never seem to be like other country, service provider company will feel shamful, and feel sorry. Hai, what to do, ' TM boleh' mah, people already in giga already, we still in mega, and it people 1 giga min and we are 4 mega max. i remember there is once a friend from canada ask how fast our "broadband" is i said i got 1m service and fastest in our country, is 4m or 8m. He quickly correct me and said i make a mistake, it 1G not 1m, i said no it 1m not 1g seriously. he start to laught and said nows day where got people still use 1M, unless it is in third world country, "is malaysia a third world country ?", at that time i got no choice but to cut the line. ha.............. "TM Boleh".....

