
生活美語《It’s not the first instance..》

生活美語《It’s not the first instance..》

It’s not the first instance of marital infidelity round here

Regina:Gee I feel so sorry for Donna. How could Bill do that to her?


Opal:Yes, she's been so good to him and that's how he repays her.


Regina:Cheating on her with that young girl at the gas station.


Opal:Well it's not the first instance of marital infidelity round here and I bet it won't be the last.


Regina:But isn't she a saint? She's decided to forgive him. Would you have done that?

麗吉娜:唐娜不是仁慈得很嗎? 她決定原諒丈夫,換了是你,會不會這樣?

Opal:Well, I'm not sure. I guess she was thinking of the children.


Regina:Yes, they mean everything to her.


Opal:I sure hope Bill stays faithful from now on. He doesn't deserve her.


多學一點點 對配偶不忠
麗吉娜批評比爾對妻子不忠:Cheating on her with that young girl at the gas station。汽車加油站英文叫gas station 或 filling station,例如:He stopped at the filling station and asked the way to the airport(他在加油站停下來,問去機場該走哪條路)。

拙攔說過,「背著情人或配偶偷情」叫做to two-time one's partner。一個同義說法是to cheat(on one's partner),例如:Seeing how devoted she was to her husband, I did not have the heart to tell her that he had been cheating( on her)/ two-timing her (我見她那麼深愛丈夫,不忍心把她丈夫有外遇的事告訴她)。Not to have the heart to do something 即「不忍心做某事」。

對妻子或丈夫不忠,英文有一個名詞:marital infidelity。留意marital是「婚姻的」,出自拉丁文maritus(丈夫)一字;martial是「戰爭的」,出自羅馬戰神Mars的名字。火星英文叫Mars,即戰神之星,所以Martial也指「火星的」。Marital和martial二字切勿混淆,例如:(1) The country was placed under martial law after the coup d'etat(政變之後,國家實行軍法統治)。(2)They appeared to be a perfect example of marital bliss(他們似乎是幸福婚姻的典範)。

Fidelity是「忠實」。今天所謂hi-fi sound system(高度傳真音響系統)就是high-fidelity sound system的縮寫。Infidelity當然是「不忠」,例如:Most divorces are said to be caused by marital infidelity on the part of the husband(據說,離婚多數是因為丈夫不忠於妻子)。On the part of somebody指「由某人所為」或「責任在於某人」。

