
[期刊/新聞] 讀孫子兵法學英文 - 維持現狀

讀孫子兵法學英文 - 維持現狀

讀孫子兵法學英文 - 維持現狀 Don’t rock the boat


不想淪為波臣,就要顧全大局(Don't rock the boat.或Don't make waves.)這是一般見解。不過,誰因為維持現狀而獲利,更是重點。

例:"People help each other through a crisis by each supposing that the other can handle it better than he himself can."「同舟共濟過難關,全仗人人都以為別人比自己更善應付。」

"Don't rock the boat; they don't want us to make trouble."「小心!他們不想別人無端生事。」


走極端只能讓少數人滿意,應加以抑制。但弱勢族群在維持現狀的大帽子之下,通常反而變成受害者,因為這些人無從掌握全局,容易抓瞎(blind panic),甚至壞事(shoot yourself in the foot)。

例:"Feeling betrayed, the employees were in a blind panic when they shot themselves in the foot by making a fatal error of judgment."「這些員工感覺被出賣,因此做出親痛仇快的舉動。」

"If the new employee asks too many questions the bosses might look at things more carefully and cause us to have to do more work. Tell him not to make waves."「新來的菜鳥到處亂捅亂戳,會引起老闆疑心,以為我們管理不當,這對大家都沒好處。叫他趕快住嘴。」

所謂共體時艱,不應該犧牲弱勢族群,反而要更關切他們的權益。台灣俗語「日頭赤炎炎,隨人顧性命」(every man for himself),等於另一句中國俗語「夫妻本是同林鳥,大難來臨各自飛。」(A couple may be like birds in the forest that fly together until a crisis, when they go their separate ways.)大難當頭,弱勢者的感受如果得不到謹慎處理,既得利益者一心求全的美意,反而會被當成驢肝肺(no good deed goes unpunished),後遺症是變成豬八戒照鏡子,裡外不是人。

例:"When there is trouble, people will try to save themselves and not worry about those around them. It's every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost."「危機來臨,大家只顧自己逃命,有道是:日頭赤炎炎,隨人顧性命。」

"Uncle Sam tries to save the world, but then he ends up being asked to go home - he becomes another example that no good deed goes unpunished."「山姆大叔一心想拯救世界,卻到處不受歡迎,真是裡外不是人。」

(作者是陸軍官校語文中心主任, email:[email protected]

【2009/07/24 經濟日報】@ http://udn.com/

source: http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN11/5036464.shtml

