
[其他] 女人記得讓她笑的男人,男人記得讓他哭的女人

tis make sense why my gf still left me although i sacrifice almost everything for her, to make her happy but in the end she still leave me...
the most annoying thing is i cant forget her, eventhough  i make decision not to do anything for her but when she asking for help, i still sacrifice my time for her... since we break up until now, it has been 5 months but every month she will at least call me for once, not go out for a tea o something but asking for help o the money... and since the day she left, we din even meet up for a second, including passing the money, i have to pass the money to a middle man..
Anyway, juz like one of the forum topic said, 好人不適合談戀愛.. i never ever wan to disappoint her, anything i can do, i will do it, only for her...

