
[分享] 心情接龍(只要說出此刻的心情)

I want to change my study life, but i can't..
Bec i havent pass my NBDE ll, i hate myself..why wasted so many time on this tested??
Am i just bad luck thru this far??
Am i didnt deserve for change my life??
Am i an idiot in pass this so important test to me??
I have no body to told and no body to share my feel..
And im getting marriage now..and i had the courage to take care my family??
I have no sun on each tomorrow.. I dont know what to do each day??
my pressure are so high
and everybody told me to not pressure on my self, but i just cant..
bec Im really badly needs to change my life..
I cant do anything without pass my test..
Is there anybody have the same problem with me??
my life is so tough..I wana change it..but i dunno how to..??

